News 1st quarter 2016

We had a busy 1st quarter already. In the beginning of March we went to the  traditional, yearly NUR-HOLZ partner meeting in the Black Forest which is always very interesting because we can exchange knowledge with all of our colleagues. Here are some pictures:

Our NUR-HOLZ partner, Kasper & Neininger from Baden-Baden finished a new NUR-HOLZ building for one family. Have a look at the pictures here:

Last week we were invited to the Woodbuild Wales conference in Cardiff. Wales has after Scotland the best forest cover in the UK and they work on strategies to increase their value chain. We will watch the space with interest in the future. And by the way, the country is very beautiful.

Cardiff bay sunset
Cardiff bay sunset

Thank you for reading and please spread the word for NUR-HOLZ, the real sustainable building material.

Kind regards,

Charlie & Thomas